“Women of Power and Modern Long Barrow” – from A Bad Witch’s Blog


I found a bunch of good blog posts to share with you all today. The first one is from A Bad Witch’s Blog and is entitled News: Women of Power and Modern Long Barrow. The one link therein is to a story The Daily Mail entitled Pipes, seashells, feathers and flowers, but not a broomstick in sight: Meet the Modern-day Witches. And if you hit the Women of Power link on that news story it will take you to the photographers page, then choose Women and you will get detailed info about each one of them. What is so refreshing about their story about a book that has or is coming out is that the pictures by Polish photographer Katarzyna Majak are all of normal looking maybe slightly eccentric older and middle aged women and Not One bleach blond barbie doll witchlette wearing a big friggin pentagram. LOL. And check out Bad Witch’s post about a book called Paganism 101: Introduction to Paganism by 101 Pagans which does Not look like a Wicca 101 book but much better.

At another blog Albion Calling there is a post entitled An Interview with Dr Jenny Butler which is great also. And i want to thank both bloggers for letting me re-link their posts onto mine for everyone’s benefit. Blessings.

Postscript – I just found a half hour film of an interview with Dr Butler on YT about Irish Fairy Beliefs and have not even watched it yet but i am sure it is good, embedded below. Post-postscript – I just listened to this interview and wow does this lady know her Irish faerie mythology!

The pictures above and below i saved so long ago i do not know their sources but assume they are Tumblr images so my apologies to the artists and please contact me if you painted these beautiful AmerIndian ladies of power.

