Lammas at the CoC – Lammas Eve with the Dead, Lammas in the Woods and Upcoming Official Lammas Ritual Next Sunday during Full Moon

Coven of the Catta

30 June (5)

The Day Before Lammas Eve

I spend Lammas Eve doing various things, including inviting a very nice spiritual man to my house and he is going to be my fix it guy from now on, having a wealth of knowledge and a peaceful spirit. In exchange for q box of animal bones he gave me he asked for an ironwood aka musclewood aka hornbeam walking stick, which i have plenty saplings growling along the base of the mountain. He pulled one which was look out of the ground and there was a rock embedded in the wood so i guess he will have a Fred Flintstone walking stock. LOL. He is actually going to rebuild my bridge with a hand made stone pier like in the old days, and will use pulleys and winches and fulcrums to get it all done sometime in the next year as i have theā€¦

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